Lowell Mills Girls

Basic Vocab Industrial Strength Knowledge The City Mouse and the Country Mouse On the Road Again (or water) Boom, baby, boom.
What is the industrial revolution?
This was the gradual process by which machines replaced hand tools, and steam and other new sources of power replaced human and animal power.
What were hand tools?
These are the tools replaced by machines during the industrial revolution.
What is cultivating?
This is what you do when you prepare and use land for planting crops.
What is a flatboat?
This is a boat with a flat bottom used for transporting heavy loads on inland waterways.
What is a boom?
This is a period of swift economic growth.
What is capital?
This is money raised for a business venture.
What is the factory system?
This is the method of producing goods that brought workers and machinery together in one place.
What is a city?
This is where you would be most likely to find Lowell Mills girls.
What is a locomotive?
This is an engine that pulls a rail-road train.
What is a telegraph?
This is a communications device that sends electrical signals along a wire.
What is urbanization?
This is the process of a population's shifting from farms to cities.
What are interchangeable parts?
These are identical, machine-made parts for a tool or instrument.
What is the way wagons were kept from sinking?
This is how Corduroy Roads helped urbanization.
What is a clipper ship?
This is a fast sailing ship of the mid-1800's.
What are poor working conditions, low wages, and being treated like slaves?
This is a negative result of the Lowell Mills girls working in factories?
What is a corduroy road?
This is a road made of logs.
What is the importance of being able to make more goods than if an individual were just trying to make them from their home?
This is how the factory systems contributed to the industrial revolution.
What is the trend that we see with more people moving to the cities and less agriculture?
This is how you know we still have urbanization today.
What is a cheap way to move goods or an easy way to carry heavy objects?
This is how the steam engine improved transportation during the industrial revolution. (Name 1)
What is the fact that before the telegraph, information had to travel by person or animal, and also this helped with the growth of the railroads.
This is why telegraphs were so important.
What is a turnpike?
This is a road built by a private company that charges a toll to use it.
What are human power and animal power?
These were the two types of power replaced by steam power during the industrial revolution.
What are pollution or sewage problems, housing shortages, or small business declines?
These are two problems caused by urbanization.
What is the speed of a clipper ship?
This was the biggest benefit to clipper ships.
What is the fact that increased cotton production gave wealth to the south and also created a need for more machines to work with textiles/fabrics?
This is why the cotton boom was important.
What are the need to put a male family member through school, the need to earn money, the desire to become economically independent from their husbands, brothers, and fathers.
Describe three reasons why Lowell Mills Girls might choose to work in the factories.

The Industrial Revolution - February 2014 - GMS 8th Grade History

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