About the Book Settings Symbols Plot Variety
Brian Selznik
Who is the author of the book?
In the train station
Where did Hugo live?
Hugo's father worked on clocks. They represent machines and how each part of the machine has a purpose. Hugo mentions that the world is just like a machine and that he has to find his part.
Why are clocks used so much in the story?
Hugo and Papa Georges
Who are the 2 main characters?
He thought the automaton was going to give him a message from his father.
What did Hugo think the automaton would do?
3rd person omniscient - narrator is Hugo
Is the book written in 1st person or 3rd person? Limited or omniscient? Who is the narrator?
Paris, France in 1931
When and where did the story take place?
The automaton represents Hugo's hopes and dreams. We find out it is also representative of Papa George's hope and dreams as well.
What does the automaton represent?
Isabelle, Etienne, Mr. Tabard, The Station Inspector, Mama Jeanne, etc.
Name at least 4 other important characters.
His uncle's flask was found.
What was found that identified Hugo's uncle after he died?
Hugo worked there because he stole from Papa Georges
Why did Hugo work at the toy booth?
At a museum when it burned
Where did Hugo's father die?
It represented Hugo stealing to keep himself safe, just like Prometheus stole to help people.
What did the painting of Prometheus represent?
The climax was when the automaton signed George Melies to the picture.
What was the climax of the story?
He met him in a film studio when Mr. Tabard was little.
When did Monsieur Tabard meet Georges Melies the first time?
The author was to share a message/lesson with the reader. The author wanted us to know that we should always dare to dream and never lose hope.
What was the author's purpose in writing the book?
At the French Film Acadmy
Where did Hugo meet Monsieur Tabard?
Etienne symbolizes the moon as he lost his eye to a fireworks rocket.
Who is symbolic of the moon with a rocket in its eye?
The major conflict was that Hugo was homeless and worried that he would get caught and be sent to an orphanage. Hugo worried he never find his purpose.
What was the major conflict of the story?
They were broken when Isabelle slammed them in a door.
What happened to Hugo's fingers?
Professor H. Alcofrisbas
What was the name of the magician that tells the story?
The bookstore in the train station
Where did Hugo first go to look for information about Papa George?
The key is a symbol because it opened the automaton and led to everyone having a healed heart.
How is the key symbolic?
The conflict was resolved when Papa George invited Hugo to come live with him. Hugo was then able to pursue his magic.
How did the conflict get resolved?
He found the toy mouse he had repaired.
What did Hugo find wrapped up when he went to work at the toy store?

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