Aaronic Priesthood Bishops GRAB BAG Doctrinal Mastery Melchizedek Priesthood
It was named after Aaron and his seed. Bonus... Who was Aaron's Brother?
Why is the Aaronic Priesthood called the Aaronic Priesthood?
He is responsible for the Young Men of the Aaronic Priesthood, the Young Women, tithing, temporal affairs of the church, judge, seek out the poor, give counsel and correct, and to instruct
What are some of the responsibilities of a bishop?
Melchizedek and Aaronic
How many priesthoods are there and name therm. Verse 1
They will receive wisdom and great treasures of knowledge. Run and not be weary, walk and not faint, (strength) and protection
What is a blessing for keeping Word of Wisdom other than good health?
Because Melchizedek was such a great High Priest
Why is the Melchizedek Priesthood Called the Melchizedek Priesthood? (Verse 2)
What is another name for the Aaronic Priesthood? Verse 6
They are given blessings from God.
How are bishops paid in our church?
Doctrine and Covenants 13:1
Which Doctrinal Mastery Scripture talks about the Aaronic Priesthood
D&C 82:10
This doctrinal mastery scripture emphasizes how God keeps His promises to those who obey Him.
The Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God
Before Melchizedek's day what was the priesthood called? Verse 3
Verses 13-17 & 20
What verses in Doctrine and Covenants 107 talk only about the Aaronic priesthood? (Look only in verses 1-20)
They are all given the gift of revelation
What spiritual gift is common with every Bishop
It is an appendage to the greater priesthood.
Why is the Aaronic Priesthood called the lesser priesthood? ( Verse 14)
D&C 19:16-19
This doctrinal Mastery Scripture teaches that the Savior Suffered for our sins so we could repent
Out of respect/ reverence of the Supreme Being - to avoid frequent repetition.
Why was the name of the Greater priesthood changed to the name it has now? (verse 4)
Hold the keys to ministering angels.
Administer in outward ordinances
What powers and authority come with holding the Aaronic Priesthood? (Verses 14 & 20)
He wants to help that person to receive forgiveness and feel peace.
A bishop's main responsibility when someone confesses to him is to do what?
Bishopric Members
Name the presidency of the priesthood in your ward
D&C 130:22-23
This Doctrinal Mastery scripture talks about how the Father and Son have bodies of flesh and bone as tangible as mans?
The right of Presidency, power and authority over all the offices in the church, and the authority to administer in spiritual things. (blessings, ordinances and covenants)
In Verse 8 what rights and authority does the Melchizedek Priesthood hold?
If he is a literal descendant of Aaron
What qualifies a man to have a legal right to be a bishop? (Verse 16)
Priest Quorum
In which Quorum Presidency does the Bishop serve as President
Literal descendant of Aaron or a High Priest and be set apart and ordained by one with authority
What qualifications need to be met for a man to qualify as a bishop? Verse 17
D&C 107:8
This Doctrinal Mastery defines the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood
The keys to al the spiritual blessings of the church. (read statement from Joseph Smith)
According to verse 18 what authority does the Melchizedek Priesthood Hold?

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