Ch. 10 The French and British Struggle Ch. 11 Liberty and Justice for All Ch 12 The American War of Independence Ch 13 The Tide Turns
Who is Benjamin Franklin
HE asked the English colonies to have a meeting in Albany, New York in 1754
What is the Boston Tea Party
Certain citizens in Boston, dressed as Mohawk Indians, threw the British tea off the ships into the water in THIS FAMOUS INCIDENT
Who is George Washington
The Second Continental Congress chose THIS MAN to command the Continental Army
What is Valley Forge
General Washington and his soldiers suffered the winter of 1777 to 1778 at THIS LOCATION northwest of Philadelphia.
What is the Virginia Colony
Governer Dinwiddie of THIS COLONY tried to stop the French from building forts in his colony.
What are the Intolerable Acts
King George III passed THESE ACTS which closed the port of Boston and forbade the people from holding public meetings.
What is the Delaware River
In a surprise move on Christmas night 1776, George Washington and his troops quietly crossed THIS RIVER and defeated the enemy soldiers at Trenton
What are warships
France agreed to send money, soldiers, and THESE to support the colonists and to oppose the British.
Who is George Washington
An American Hero and future president, HE survived the attack on General Braddock's troops
What are taxes
On September 5, 1774, representatives from the colonies met in Philadelphia and composed a Declaration of Rights that demanded freedom to impose their own THESE.
Who is Benedict Arnold
THIS GENERAL led the final charge against the British and won the battle at Saratoga, New York
Who is Benjamin Franklin
HE convinced France to lend America several warships
What is St. Augustine
The English captured the city of WHAT, founded by the Spanish in 1565
Who is Paul Revere
On April 18, 1775, as the British troops moved toward Boston, William Dawes and THIS MAN warned the colonial militias "The British are coming!"
What is Philadelphia
THIS CITY was the largest city in the colonies as well as the temporary capital of the colonies
Who is John Paul Jones
HE commanded a French naval warship and successfully attacked a British warship, the Serapis

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