The Commandments of God Commandments of the Church Living the Commandments Sacraments The Bible
What is the Fifth Commandment
Taking revenge on someone is against THIS Commandment (number)
What is six
There are THIS MANY Commandments of the Church
What is the Holy Name of Jesus
The easiest way to pray is to use the shortest of all prayers, which is THIS
What is soldiers
The Sacrament of Confirmation makes us THESE of Christ
What is "what comes out of your mouth"
Jesus warned that what defiles you is THIS
What is the Seventh Commandment
Cheating on a test or homework assignment is a sin against THIS Commandment
What is assist
The First Commandment of the Church states that we must DO THIS at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
What is unnecessary
All THIS KIND of servile work is forbidden on Sunday
What is pleasing
The seven sacraments make us holy and THIS to God
Who is Nicodemus
HE was the Jewish elder who came to visit Jesus at night
What is the Tenth Commandment
Desiring our neighbor's goods is a sin against THIS Commandment
What is the support
The Fifth Commandment of the Church states that we must contribute to THIS of the Church
What is envy
Showing off our possessions in a proud way encourages THIS and can lead to stealing.
What are Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
THESE are the sacraments that can only be received once
Who is St. Peter
HE was the first Apostle to be inspired and made brave by the Holy Spirit to give a sermon and convert thousands
What is the Eighth Commandment
THIS Commandment forbids lying, detraction, and rash judgement
What is fast
The Second Commandment of the Church is that we must do THIS, as well as abstain from meant, on the days appointed
What is honesty
Stealing is so destructive to THIS VIRTUE that it can cause chaos and distrust in society
What is Baptism
THIS is the sacrament that gives our souls a new life of sanctifying grace
What are tongues of fire
The Holy Spirit came into the Upper Room and rested on the heads of the Apostles in the form of THESE
What is the Ninth Commandment
THIS Commandments commands us to be pure in our thoughts and desires
What is confess
The Third Commandment of the Church is that we must THIS our sins at least once a year
What are movies, TV shows, videos, and literature
Priests teach that young people should stay away from bad companions, as well as bad THESE
What is Holy Thursday
Holy Chrism is blessed by the bishop on THIS DAY (in most diocese...but not Erie)
What is dwell
God desires us to be pure so that He can THIS within us

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