Sea Sizes Aquatic Animals Playful Plants Reef References Gorgeous Guam
What is the Pacific Ocean ?
This is the largest ocean in the world lying between the continents of Asia and Australia on the west and North and South America on the East
What is a Blue whale ?
This is the largest underwater animal
What is Red algae ?
This plant is a member of the phylum Rhodophyta, a large group of aquatic algae with approximately 6000 species. This plant is characterized by reddish phycobilin pigments
What is a Parrot Fish ?
This fish adopted their name from having a fused-beak structure– like a parrot! This fish's diet is primarily algae.
What is a Sea Star ?
This animal is not considered a fish but lives in the water. They have no brain or blood, and there are about 36 species of this animal on Guam. In Chamorro they are called puti’on tåsi.
What is the ocean ?
This covers 70% of the earths surface
What is an Octopus ?
This animal has 3 hearts and blue blood
What is Sea Grass ?
This plant is a rooted plant that requires a lot of light to thrive along the shallow waters of our world’s coastlines. There are many common types of this plant, including manatee grass, turtle grass, and shoal grass—all of which are varieties of a land plant that has evolved over the years in order to survive in salt water.
What is Fire Coral ?
This coral is a colonial marine cnidarians that when touched can cause burning skin reactions.
What is a Sea Urchin ?
Throughout Micronesia, this animal is collected and their gonads are eaten. This animal can grow from 3cm round to 10 cm. In Chamorro, this animal is called lå’on
What is the Mariana Trench ?
This place is located in the western North Pacific Ocean and is the deepest part of the ocean
What is an Electric Eel
This animal is known to be able to produce enough electricity to light 10 light bulbs
What is Seaweed ?
This plant provides the majority of the nutrition for marine creatures and play an important role in marine ecology. This plant is green, brown or reddish.
What is a Blue Tang Fish ?
This animal has a royal blue body, yellow tail, and black “palette” design. It's an oval-shaped fish with a hard beak-like mouth that scrapes algae from rocks. Its tail has sharp spines on each side, and when disturbed, these spines unfold from a groove and can inflict serious wounds.
What is a Sea Cucumber ?
This animal is one of the most important echinoderms. They are a gourmet food in Northern Asia and are exported from Guam.This animal does not have a brain, it is nocturnal and can reach sizes from 0.12in to 3.3 ft. It's name in Chamorro is balåti
What is the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Antarctic and Arctic ocean ?
There are 5 oceans, name all 5.
What is an Otter ?
To keep from floating away, this animal holds hands with others in their Raft
What is phytoplankton / algae
Through photosynthesis, this plant produces about half of the oxygen that humans and other land-dwelling creatures breathe
What is a fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and coral atolls ?
This animal can live as long as 100 years, often eaten by humans and
There are three types of coral reefs, name them
What is a Stone Fish ?
This fish is the most venomous fish in the world, they have excellent camouflage skills and live on the sea bottom camouflaging themselves as rocks.
What is the Mid-Ocean Ridge ?
This is the world's largest mountain range that can be found running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
What is a manatee ?
This sea animal is closely related to the elephant and weighs 60-70 pounds and is 4-4.5 ft long
What is Kelp ?
These large, brown, rubbery plants have hollow, globe-shaped growths on the leaves called pneumatocysts that help the plants rise to the surface. Sea lions, whales, shore birds, and other ocean animals make meals of the smaller critters that hide in the leaves.
What is a Clown Fish ?
This animal's most distinctive traits are their orange bodies, three white bands with a black outline and black tips around the fins.
They are small animals as bodies reach up to 11cm long on average.
What is a Moray Eel ?
This animal ranges in length from 6 inches to 15 feet.
They have a long dorsal fin which runs from the head to the tail and are usually black or yellow and pale on their stomachs

Under The Sea

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