Global View Sound and Screen News The Written Word Innovations
What is a cross
What design element is common to the flags of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden?
What is Snoop Dogg
What human informed the world: "I'm the Doggfather - nobody bites my style"?
What is the Brooklyn Bridge
What historic structure's 100th birthday drew over 2 million celebrants to the New York waterfront in 1983?
What is On the Origin of Species
What Darwin first edition, worth around $50,000 did a woman return to the Boston Public Library in 2001 a mere 80 years overdue?
What is Geocaching
What scavenger hunt fro GPS users got its start when Oregon's David Ulmer hid the first container and posted coordinates on the web?
What is the Golden Gate Bridge
What 4,200 foot bridge is continuously touched up with orange paint by 38 full time painters?
What is Britney Spears
What songstress was accused of celebrating domestic violence, when she warbled: "Hit me, baby, one more time"?
What is Gucci
What designer grabbed gobs of greenbacks by plastering its "G" logo on $865 diaper bags and $4250 mink coats fro kids?
What is zero
How many people other than Oprah Winfrey appeared on the cover of O in its first year?
What is Stephen Hawking
What scientist left his wife of 25 years to take up with a nurse whose husband designed his voice machine, in 1990?
What is potatoes
What are you about to dine on in Peru when someone plops purple papas on your plate?
What is Wolverine
What mutant superhero did Aussie actor Hugh Jackman play in The X Men?
What is Heinz
What brand didn't anticipate paying a $180,000 fine for under filling its ketchup bottles, in 2001?
What is Dumbledore
What wizardly headmaster takes his last name from a 1787 English word for "bumblebee"?
What is blue
What did a 2001 survey of 5,000 navels determine was "almost always" the color of belly button lint?
What is the AIDS quilt
What memorial weighed more than 50 tons and could cover 16 football fields by 2001?
What is Titanic
What blockbuster movie's working title was The Ship of Dreams?
What is Gerald Ford
Who received a John F Kennedy Profile on Courage Award in 2001 fro pardoning Nixon in 1974?
What is All Y'all
What's the plural of "Y'all" according to a 2001 Guide to Texas etiquette?
What is Starbucks
What franchise added 8 grams of protein, 12 vitamins, and 55 cents to its power Frappachino in 1998?
What is Abraham Lincoln
What president is clean shaven and skinny as a rail in a 30 foot tall Springfield Illinois statue?
What is Roc-A-Fella
What record label did rapper Jay-Z name after a famed US industrialist?
What is Fidel Castro
What political leader hand picked his spry 70 year old brother Raul as his successor in 2001?
What is Doh
What Homer Simpson epithet made it into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2001?
What is Britian
What nation's 1 million school kids staged a simultaneous jump to register what was called an intriguing seismographic "squiggle" in 2001?

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