Human Origins Agricultural Revolution First Civilizations Mesopotamia Egypt
Genetic mutation in the brain that allows for the possibility of speech

Bonus: Why is this significant? (50 pt)
What makes Homo Sapiens distinct from other hominids?
1. Human beings wanted to cultivate wheat (for beer, food etc)
2. Climate was changing and environmental factors forced them to give up their hunting-gathering lifestyle
3. They wanted to own more things
Name three possible reasons for the agricultural revolution.
Shared beliefs that enable cooperation amongst large groups of people. Harari argues that without this “social contract” human beings would not be able to cooperate and build extensive social networks like civilizations.
What is the an “imagined order” and how does it relate to the first civilizations?
The Tigris and the Euphrates
Name the two rivers that ran through Mespotamia.
Ma’at— emphasis on justice and harmony in Egyptian culture; pharoahs embodied justice and harmony
Who is the Egyptian Goddess of truth and justice?
Bi-pedal, large brain
What distinguishes hominids from other primates?
Sunk-cost fallacy refers to the idea that once you invest a lot of time/resources into something you are more likely to finish it rather than stop, even if it is detrimental/not working. Harari argues that this is why humans transitioned from hunting-gathering to farming, and they didn’t understand the consequences of their actions.
What is the sunk-cost fallacy, and how does it relate to the agricultural revolution?
River Valley Civilizations were the first societies that developed that exhibited the primary attributes of civilization. They developed along rivers because those were the best places for producing crops. River Valley Civilizations include (but are not limited to) Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, and China.
What is a River Valley Civilization? Name three of them.
In what modern day country was Mesopotamia?
He or she was the mediator between heaven and earth. Thought to control the Nile (i.e. the prosperity of the kingdom)
What was the role of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt?
African continent
Where did the first human beings evolve?
1. People had a less varied diet, meaning they were malnourished.
2. Children died more often
Name two disadvantages to the agricultural revolution
Urban settlements, full-time specialists, concentration of surplus production, class structure, state-level organization; monumental public building, extensive trade networks, standardized monumental artwork, development of exact sciences

Name five attributes of civilization.
Around 4000 BCE
When were Mesopotamian city-states first established?
Hieroglyphs; 3400-3200 BCE
When did writing develop in ancient Egypt and what was it called?

Around 80,000 years ago
When do modern human beings (Homo Sapiens) begin to migrate out of Africa to other parts of the world?
Around 10000-8000 BCE
When did the agricultural revolution begin?
To record economic activity
According to Harari, why did writing first develop in Mesopotamia?
3500-3000 BCE; Cuneiform
When did writing first develop in Mesopotamia and what was it called?
They traded with Nubia, conquered Nubia, and were conquered by Nubia.
What sort of relationship did Egypt have with its neighbor to the South? (name two aspects of their relationship and the civilization they traded with)

Around 2-300,000 years ago
When did Homo Sapiens first appear?
Banpo, Catal Hoyuk, Stonehenge, Mehgarh
Name three of the earliest agricultural settlements.
The Epic of Gilgamesh; ca. 2700 BCE
What was the first story to be written down (that we have a record of) and when was it written down?
The unpredictable flooding meant that crops/livelihoods/lives could be easily lost. As a result, Mesopotamian outlooks on life and the afterlife were largely negative and focused on the inevitability of fate.
How did the geography of Mesopotamia affect its culture?
Judged by Osiris-- if the judgment was favorable you live in Osiris' kingdom; if it was unfavorable you are abandoned to a half-crocodile, half-hippo monster.
According to Egyptian beliefs, what happened in the afterlife?

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