What's Up With Wind Full Frontal Air Masses Head In the Clouds There's a Storm A-Brewin' Fun With Climate Change
What is High to Low
Air moves from this type of pressure to this type of pressure (name both!)
What is Temperature (or Humidity)
All of the air in an air mass has approximately the same this measurement.
What is a Liquid
Clouds are made of droplets of water in this state of matter, condensed around dust or smoke particles.
What is Thunder
Lightning is the electrical discharge of energy during a storm, while this is the shock wave created by rapidly expanding air in the aftermath
What is the Greenhouse Effect
Climate Change has recently been driven mainly by excess gases contributing to this effect
What is Rises
Warm air expands and does this, creating a low-pressure zone
What is a Warm Front
This type of front is depicted on a weather map by a line bordered with red semicircles and is often associated with slower changes to the weather.
What are Stratus Clouds
These dark, low-lying clouds often result in light rain or snow.
What are Tornadoes
These occur during thunderstorms when a strong warm updraft collides with a cool downdraft, resulting in a spinning motion
What is an Ice Age
Earth experienced one of these extreme cooling events as recently as 11,700 years ago.
What is a Sea Breeze
The coast typically experiences this type of breeze during the daytime because of the difference in temperature between the water and the land.
What are Clouds
At any front, warm, humid air rises, creating these weather phenomena along the front.
What are Cumulonimbus Clouds
Thunderstorms form from these tall, anvil-shaped clouds.
What is a Cyclone
A hurricane is an example of the tropical variety of one of these swirling storms.
What are Fossil Fuels
Since the Second Industrial Revolution, carbon emissions have skyrocketed due to the increased burning of these prehistoric combustible materials.
What is the Equator
The Polar and Hadley Cells blow toward this part of the Earth, while the Ferrel Cell blows in the opposite direction.
What is a Stationary Front
The boundary between two unmoving air masses is known as this type of front. It's characterized by several days of rainy weather.
What are Cirrus Clouds
These highest tropospheric clouds are thin and mostly composed of ice crystals.
What is Latent Heat
Thunderstorms and hurricanes are both fueled by the this type of energy released during the process of condensation.
What are Heat Waves
These single deadliest weather phenomena may be occurring more frequently and with more severity thanks to climate change.
What are Trade Winds
The North-East winds in the Hadley Cell are commonly referred to by this nickname due to their role in nautical history.
What is an Occluded Front
This type of front occurs when a cold front overtakes a warm front, separating the warm air mass from the ground.
What is Twilight
Kristen Stewart may know that Noctilucent Clouds in the Mesosphere are only visible during this time of day.
What is Storm Surge
Hurricanes can cause lasting water damage thanks to winds producing abnormally high tides, known by this alliterative term.
What are Monsoons
Climate Change may be changing the timing of these annual storms that bring much needed rain to certain parts of the world.

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