Introduction Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 section 3 continued
False. In the words of the Liturgy
True or False? In the words of Sacred Scripture, Christ Communicates the Fruits of the Paschal Mystery.
He sent the Holy Spirit down upon them.
How did Jesus Stay close to his Apostles after his Ascension, now that he was no longer physically present to them?
1) Baptism
2) First Communion
3) Confirmation
4) Holy Orders
5) Anointing of the Sick
6) Pence
7) Matrimony
List the Seven Sacraments
It changes because the feast follows the lunar calendar instead of the solar calendar.
Why does Easter change from year to year?
Jesus bodily ascension into heaven, where he is at the right hand of the easter and from where he promised the holy spirit.
What does the celebration of the ascension commemorate?
The official public worship of the Church
What is the Liturgy?
False. Mystery of the real presence.
True or False? The mystery of the Incarnation of Christ is in the Eucharist because it is Jesus' presence in the fullest sense.
To bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.
What does Evangelize mean?
it is seen as a time of spring cleaning or personal renewal.
How does the church see or understand the purpose of lent?
Its purpose is to teach Christians how to follow Jesus in everyday, ordinary life.
What is the purpose of ordinary time? What is the focus of scripture reading?
The communication or dispensation of the fruits of Christ's Paschal Mystery through the celebration of the sacramental liturgy.
What is the Sacramental Economy?
It is more than a recollection of past events
What does the word Anamnesis Mean
The law of praying is the law of believing
What does Lex Orandi mean?
The sacraments are acts of divine worship and the faithful are involved with them through their participation
.Why is it proper to say that Catholics celebrate the sacraments?
The raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.
How did St. John Damascene describe prayer?
"With desire, I have desired to eat this Pasch with you"
What words does Christ repeat to us, just as he did to his disciples at the time of the Pasch?
1) It is called upon in the liturgy to come and sanctify the elements used in the liturgy
2) Present in the bread and wine
3) Present in the water used for baptism
What are some of the times the Holy Spirit is called upon in the liturgy?
They are rooted not in the individuals who participate in them but in the faith of the whole church.
Explain the link between why the Church baptizes infants and why sacraments are celebrated communally?
1. Byzantine rite
2. Alexandrian rite
3. antiochene rite
4. Armenian rite
5. Maronite rite
6. Chaldean rite
What are the names of six of the twenty-one Eastern Catholic Churches?
It is being in the presence of God, it is a silent wordless prayer that leads you to rest in the presence of God's all-encompassing love
What is contemplation?
The doctrine of the faith that recognizes two natures (one human and one divine) in the one Divine Person of Jesus Christ.
What is the Hypostatic Union?
1) Sacraments
2) Scripture
3) When the Church Prays and Sings
4) Eucharist His own body and blood.
In what four ways is Christ present in the Liturgy?
It means the ordained priesthood guarantees that it is really Christ who ministers in the sacraments through the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean to say that the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood?
1. faithfulness to the apostolic union tradition
2. united under the bishop of Rome
3. sacraments received by bishops are celebrated and passed on.
What criteria assures that there is unity amid the diversity of liturgical rite?
List the prayers from the text calls "normative for the church today."

What happens in the Sacraments

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