Passion Understanding of Liberties Miscellaneous
What is passion in an american?
Pushed Americans to work hard to develop the government.
What is an example of how americans understanding their liberties is incorporated into the government?
The Constitution and Bill of rights state that all crimes must be tried by jury.
Who created the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
What is depicted by the Preamble to show how passion impacted the government?
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and etc...
How have current Americans expressed their understanding of their liberties?
Protest to express the needed liberties of certain individuals.
What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
Document that ensures the just liberties of every citizen.
How was passion presented in the Declaration of Independence?
In the need to separate from Britain.
How did Americans in 1782 perceive their position in the government?
The Americans understood their role in the government and the responsibilities they had.
What is was the agreement that ended the issue of the lack of representation for the states?
3/5th compromise
What is a modern representation of passion?
Entrepreneurs creating a career out of something they love.
What is the statement in the Declaration enforce the necessary liberties for all people?
"...endowed by their Creator certain unalienable Rights..."
What is the overlying theme of the Constitution?
To ensure the balance within the American society

What is an American?

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