Social Structures Food Resources Homes Modes of Transportation Clothing
How big were the independant groups of the Woodland First Nations People?
Roughly 400 people.
The Woodland First Nations peoples food resource was...(think our area)
Wild game (deer, moose, small game), fish (netting). Used bows, arrows, spears, traps and snares.
What First Nations People were migratory (having to move to find food).
First Nations of the Woodland, Plains and Mackenzie and Yukon River Basins
Modes of transportation for the Woodland First Nations
Birch bark canoes that were light, durable and streamlined for navigating the numerous rivers and lakes in this area.
Woodland First Nations made their clothing out of...
Moose, wolf, deer or caribou skin.
How did the people of the Mackenzie and Yukon River Basins choose their leaders in their groups
They chose the best hunters
The Iroquois First Nations peoples food resource was....
Mostly planting and farming. They would grow the "Three Sisters" (corn, beans, and squash).
What First Nations People were non-migratory (did not have to move to find food)
Plateau First Nations, Pacific Coast First Nations, Iroquois First Nations
Modes of transportation for the Mackenzie and Yukon River Basins First Nations
Also had canoes. Used spruce gum to seal their canoes.
Plains First Nations made their clothing out of...
Mostly used light animal skins, such as buffalo, antelope, elk or deer.
The social organization of several Plains First Nations was influenced by their neighbours and trading partners—the First Nations of the Pacific Coast, which were made up of what three class types?
Nodels, commoners and slaves.
The Plains First Nations peoples food resource was mainly...
Buffalo/BISON. They would also make pemmican.
If you had to relocate, what time of home did you have to live in?
Modes of transportation for the Iroquois First Nations people...
They travelled in canoes and were also exceptional runners.
What did the Pacific Coast First Nations people typically wear if it was warm
The men went unclothed if it was warm enough
The Huron and Wendat people had a three tier political system. What were the three tiers?
Village, tribal and confederacy councils.
The Plateau First Nations peoples food resource...
Salmon was the primary food source. Lots of fish types, wild vegetables, berries and roots.
If you did not have to relocate, what time of home did you live in?
Modes of transportation for the Plains First Nations people...
They were skilled riders after the horse was introduced to North America. Before the horse, they had dogs that transported their goods (on sleigh-like structures, called travois).
In rainy weather, coastal people wore...
Woven bark rain capes and wide-brimmed hats of woven spruce roots.
The Iroquois First Nations had a lot of time to develop what type of government system (think Canada).
They had a complex government based on democratic principles.
Pacific Coast First Nations food resources...
Salmon, shellfish, octopus, herring, crabs, whale and seaweed. This made it possible to have permanent settlements.
What were tipis/teepees made out of?
Essentially a framework of poles covered with bark, woven rush mats or caribou skin
Modes of transportation for the Pacific Coast First Nations...
Travelled almost exclusively by water, using dugout canoes made of red cedar.
Who prepared the clothing, and what did they use to do it
Women prepared the clothing and would use bone needs and sinew.

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