Wars Lettered Organizations It Happened Here People, Places, & Things Leaders I
What is The Cold War
The era of a state of tensions between the U.S. & Soviet Union without any actual direct fighting between the two from 1945-1989.
What is NATO
The defensive military alliance consisting of democratic nations pledged to resist the spread of communism after WWII.
What is The Berlin Wall
The Soviets built a concrete wall between the eastern & western halves of this German city (1961-1989).
What is Middle Eastern Terrorism
Many Americans and Western Europeans were taken hostage and/or killed due to radicals from this region in the 1980s.
Who is Fidel Castro
Pro-Soviet dictator of Cuba from 1959-2008.
What is The Nine-Days War
Fought for control of the Suez Canal in 1956. Israel, Britain, and France attacked Egypt. Egypt kept control of the canal.
What is OPEC
Group consisting of Arab oil-producing nations. It regulates the price and distribution of its oil.
What is The Bay of Pigs Invasion
U.S.-sponsored Cuban exiles failed in their attempt to overthrow the pro-Soviet dictator in Cuba in 1961.
What is Israel
Jews created this new nation out of land Arabs had controlled for centuries. This created a constant state of tensions between the two groups.
Who is Osama bin Laden
Radical anti-American Saudi multi-millionaire that sponsored terrorism against American targets in the 1990s & 2000s.
What is The Six-Day War
Third Arab-Israeli War. Israel won and took more Arab land (1967).
What is The PLO
Arab organization dedicated to the establishment of a homeland for Arabs displaced due to Israel’s creation.
What is The Warsaw Pact
Soviet-led defensive military alliance that was the communist equivalent of NATO.
What is The Hydrogen Bomb
Destructive weapon 500 times more powerful than a regular atomic bomb which is used in this type of bomb.
Who is Saddam Hussein
Dictator of Iraq that instigated 1990s Middle Eastern crises.
What is The Yom Kippur War
4th Arab-Israeli war (1973-1974); Israel won; Arabs boycotted oil shipments to Western nations causing an energy crisis.
What is The WTO
It enforces tariff and trade rules and settles trade disputes between countries.
What is The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
The Soviets never succeeded in taking it over this country as they occupied it from 1980-1988.
Who are Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong
Leader of Chinese Nationalists that lost the Chinese Civil War & leader of Chinese communist rebels that won.
Who is Nelson Mandela
Leader of the African National Congress (ANC) that was jailed for many years as a resistor to apartheid in South Africa.
What is The Bosnian War
Civil war in southeastern Europe in the 1990s. The most devastating conflict in Europe since the end of WWII.
What is GATT
Every nation in the world except three signed this which eliminates a broad range of international tariffs.
What is Tiananmen Square
Chinese landmark in Beijing where pro-democracy demonstrators were beaten and killed in 1989.
What is the United Nations
World peace-keeping organization formed after WWII to replace the ineffective League of Nations.
Who is Vladimir Putin
Reform-minded President of Russia in the 2000s.

World History Unit #8A

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