Post-World War I Nationalism Hitler World War II Soviet Union
Who is Albert Einstein?
He began the atomic age with his theory of relativity.
What is Rwanda?
This country had a bloody civil war between the Tutsis and the Hutus which renewed concerns that the United Nations needs to broaden its mission to address ethnic conflict within countries.
What is the Holocaust?
Hitler's Final Solution in which he killed over 6 million Jews in Europe.
What are two atomic bombs?
The US dropped these on Japan achieving final victory over Japan.
Who is Stalin?
The major goal of his first Five Year Plan was to strengthen the nation's heavy industry.
What is nationalism?
Following WWI, this was the driving force that caused many countries/territories to stand up to their respective imperial power?
What was the partition of India?
This occurred to help settle religious conflicts. The Hindus in India and the Muslims in Pakistan.
What is the Munich Pact?
This was signed by Hitler and declared that in exchange for peace he would not take any more lands.
What is Germany?
After World War II, it was divided into four occupation zones.
What is Lenin's Communists?
This totalitarian government came to power because a group of dedicated revolutionaries promised to end economic hardships and stop this country's fighting in WWI.
What is Hitler's Nazis?
The totalitarian government that came into power because of the economic hardships brought about the Great Depression and resentment over the harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.
Who is Mustafa Kemal?
Turkish leader who promoted national pride by reforming the legal code, promoting industrialization and economic independence, and modifying the Turkish language.
What is living space and resources?
The reason why Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Poland, France, and Czechoslovakia.
What is D-Day?
The Allied offensive to open a second front and weaken German control of Europe by invading France.
What are Eastern European countries?
Immediately after WWII, most became satellite states of the Soviet Union.
What is Mussolini's Fascists?
The totalitarian government came to power because of an economic crisis immediately after WWI and its citizens feeling cheated by the Treaty of Versailles over promises to acquire Austrian territory.
Who is Nnamdi Azikiwe?
Nigerian nationalist started the newspaper The West African Pilot as a way to promote nationalism and independence for all African nations.
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
Hitler's policy which revoked Jew's German citizenship.
What is Cash and Carry and Lend-Lease?
Two US policies of providing assistance to Great Britain because the President felt a German victory would be a threat to US security.
What is collectivization?
The Soviet government nationalizing all Russian farms under the Five Year Plans.
What are the painters and writers?
After World War I, the works of these people feelings of helplessness and pessimism towards the world.
What is self-determination?
The people of Czechoslovakia peacefully agreeing to split into separate nations is an example of this. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence
What is blitzkrieg?
German military strategy that combined the coordinated use of planes and ground forces to overrun opposition.
What is Yalta Conference?
The main purpose of this conference was to talk about the future of Europe.
What is Hungary?
An uprising in 1956 in this country showed that the Soviet Union would not allow democracy in Eastern Europe.

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