The Great Depression World War Two The Cold War The Vietnam War
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the President responsible for implementing the New Deal Program?
The US intended to remain neutral.
What was the US stance on entering the war.
Russia and the USA
Which two countries were the primary superpowers involved in the Cold War?
South Vietnam
In what country did the Vietnam War take place?
The day that the stock market crashed on October 29, 1929 and the day when many panicked depositors rushed to withdraw their savings from banks
What events were referred to as 'Black Tuesday' and 'Black Thursday' during the Great Depression?
The bombing of Pearl Harbor.
What major event led to the US entering the war?
The United Nations
What organization was founded to promote international peace, security, and cooperation after WWII?
President Richard Nixon
What president advocated for Vietnamization?
He did nothing. He believed that the problem would resolve itself in time.
What did President Hoover do to combat the economic crisis of the Great Depression?
The Treaty of Versailles
What peace treaty officially marked the end of World war II?
The Warsaw Pact
Which organization was formed in response to the creation of NATO by Western powers during the Cold War?
A policy aimed to gradually shift the responsibility for fighting the war from American forces to the South Vietnamese military.
Shanty towns and newspapers.
What were referred to as Hoovervilles and Hoover blankets.
A pivotal naval battle between the United States and Japan, occurring six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
What was the Battle of Midway?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
What organization was established to facilitate cooperation in space exploration during the Cold War?
Tet Offensive
A large-scale military surprise attacks launched by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army on more than 100 cities, towns, and military installations across South Vietnam.
The New Deal
A set of reform programs involved legislation that was intended to guard against an economic disaster like the Great Depression ever recurring.
A period when millions of African Americans moved from the rural Southern United States to urban areas in the North and West for economic opportunities.
What was referred to as the Great Migration?
What was the name of the first artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union?
Viet Cong
A communist rebel organization in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

World War 2

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